Subject: Re: NetBSD DOSEMU -- questions from a prospective NetBSD user
To: Jason Downs <>
From: Scott Reynolds <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/23/1996 23:29:48
On Fri, 21 Jun 1996, Jason Downs wrote:
> In message <>,
> "Aron T. Roberts" writes:
> >Could you possibly go into more detail about these 20 security holes??
> >
> >I am thinking of using NetBSD in a production environment and this is an
> >important issue.
> Hmm, OpenBSD doesn't seem any less stable or less suited to a production
> environment then NetBSD is.
The answer to the question is not "run OpenBSD" instead. That's a
very childish attitude, especially since OpenBSD wouldn't exist were it
not for the hard work of a _lot_ of NetBSD contributors.
"OpenBSD" isn't so open, is it.