Subject: Re: NetBSD DOSEMU -- questions from a prospective NetBSD user
To: Jason Downs <>
From: Theo de Raadt <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/21/1996 15:32:46
> In message <>,
> "Aron T. Roberts" writes:
> >On Fri, 21 Jun 1996, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> >
> >> I would say that is an incorrect assesment of the situation, since
> >> I've fixed about 20 security holes in OpenBSD -- a NetBSD derived
> >> system. I think NetBSD has fixed 1 of those (in a different way).
> >
> >
> >At the risk of starting something ugly.....
> >
> >Could you possibly go into more detail about these 20 security holes??
> >
> >I am thinking of using NetBSD in a production environment and this is an
> >important issue.
> Hmm, OpenBSD doesn't seem any less stable or less suited to a production
> environment then NetBSD is. Just install the snapshot, cvs down a
> source tree and rebuild from that. If you want to keep on bug fixes,
> subscribe to our source-changes and only update those particular files.
> It's no harder then running NetBSD-current; in fact, it's easier, since
> you can just use anoncvs instead of having to deal with sup's insanity.
Jason couldn't be more correct!
Anoncvs (or cvs in general) has this wonderful feature ... it lets you
keep your local changes. It never destroy changes you make in your
copy of the source tree; rather, it attempts to merge changes. And it
tells you about those when you do the cvs update. If the merge has
conflicts, it generates rcs-style merge conflicts in the file
(ie. those <<<< ---- >>>> things that some of you may have seen from
time to time).
Sup has some weird flags for saving changed files, or not affecting
changed files.. but that doesn't even compare. Not worthwhile.
So... got a change you really like, but which hasn't been accepted for
some particular reason, or is work-in-progress? Do a "cvs update" and
(For instance, I know der mouse has lots of local changes. This would
make it even easier for him to keep those changes.)
This is not just an OpenBSD advertisement; it is a recommendation that
all free operating system projects should make this type of service
available to those developers who they choose not to give commit
access to.
Check the bottom half of for a more detailed
description of how anoncvs works. Again.. this is not an OpenBSD
advertisement, I'm talking about it because I think everyone should
consider this THE way to distribute sources.