Subject: Re: Serial brokeness.
To: None <>
From: Mark Willey <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/17/1996 15:13:35
Neil J. McRae writes:
> Can anyone tell me why my serial ports don't work
> half the time?
> When using kermit to talk to /dev/tty01 at 9600, sometimes it works
> most of the time it hangs... It really sucks. I get this with cu also.
> Anyone got a fix or atleast seen this?
Which version are you running? I have seen a lot of commits and chat fly
by recently about serial ports on i386. You may find that when you upgrade
to 1.2, when it is ready, that the problems go away. There is also a patch
for a new com driver for i386, which was mentioned on either the port-i386
or current-users list. I'd get the URL for you, but my mail reader (elm)
is severely lacking. I'll forward it to you.