Subject: problems with pppd
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Nathaniel D. Daw <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/15/1996 21:59:57
I apologize if this is old news; I have been out of the country for a
month and am behind on my mailing lists.
I recently moved, lost my ethernet connection and have been trying to get
ppp going (using, most recently, a june 11 sup). It works okay, kind of,
but I have strange problems with sending information that I thought
someone might recognize. In particular, the following situations freeze up
their sessions.
ftp-ing a file from my machine (not to) using either put or get. the file
seems to send, then the program freezes up for a while and finally reports
"connection reset by peer'
sending mail (e.g. from netscape or using mail) does the same sort of
telnet works, but occasionally pasting into a session from x freezes up
the session.
in every case, the ppp conection still works fine, it is only the
particular session that dies. netstat shows in at least the first couple
of cases that the connection is stuck in a tcp_wait state. I have tried
various remedies, such as escaping control characters and so on, but to no
avail. So I thought I'd ask if anyone recognizes the problem before I
started serious debugging and packet tracing. Anyone?
..."ok" soda may be the preferred drink of other people, such as yourself...