Subject: Re: Choosing the right PC-box.
To: None <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/06/1996 16:24:24
<From: Matthias Scheler <>
<> <I personally have found Quantum drives to be ... rather reliable (I've
<> <owned a 210, 1800 and 2100), ...

This statement was by cgd not me. Sorry if I did mess up his
message, I'm not using OpenVMS-MX that often...

<Quantum and reliable? ROTFL!
<A Quantum 2100S died at "" after 3 month. We got a
<replacement and what it died after exactly 3 month, again, great! We
<bought a Quanutm 4.2GB Grand Pix but it made noise like a lawn mover
<and never worked. So we purchased a Micropolis 1991 which works for over
<a yeark 24 hours a day, 7 days a week connect to quite busy FTP server.
<And the M1936 which was replaced by the 1991 works still fine after
<being connected to two different FTP servers for over two years.

I'm using a XP34301 (GrandPrix) for over a year now in
our departments NFS/WWW-server. Not very silent, indeed, but
quite fast. 
