Subject: Re: Choosing the right PC-box.
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Dave Huang <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/05/1996 15:38:36
><I personally have found Quantum drives to be ... rather reliable (I've
><owned a 210, 1800 and 2100), though i forget what the exact models of
><each are... On the other hand, there are known 'bad' quantum drives
><which i've been lucky to never have, e.g. the infamous 105s (the kinds
><shipped in lots of sparcs... stiction).
>Mm. There is a LPS105S still sitting in my good old Amiga 2000.
>It still running quite happily without some kind of failure...
>(after many years of heavy TeX'ing and compiling :-) )
I've got a LPS105S in my Apple IIgs, and it does have the stiction
problem... I was out of town for a week, so I turned all my computers off,
and when I got back, the 105 wouldn't spin up. Shaking and power cycling the
thing finally got it working again though :) Other than that, the drive
still works great though :)
I also have a Fireball 540, Lightning 730, and Capella 2200, and they're all
working fine. Of course, they're all much newer than the 105 :)