Subject: Re: Choosing the right PC-box.
To: None <>
From: Markus Illenseer <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/05/1996 07:20:54
> ...I'd avoid the Quantum, and get Fujitsu drives.  I've had no end of 
> trouble with Quantums and Seagates, and I've _never_ had a problem with a 
> Fujitsu drive...'Course, this assumes getting SCSI...

 We were speaking of IDE drives, if I take it right. Quantum FireBall the 
most reliable and as yet the fastest IDE ever. Fujitsu only recently 
re-entered the IDE-stage, and must yet regain the reliability they have 
in the high-end SCSI market. They probably will with their new MR/PRML,
1.2gig/platter drives next month.

 But then of course you are right with SeaGate :-)

Markus Illenseer