Subject: config file line for Hayes ESP?
To: None <>
From: David Gilbert <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/20/1996 16:14:00
>>>>> "Thor" == Thor Lancelot Simon <> writes:
Thor> I just found a Hayes ESP card I bought quite some time ago.
Thor> It's a single port ESP, marked "V2.1". It has only one jumper,
Thor> presumably for the ESP base address, which is set to "soft". I
Thor> recall software-configuring the card to COM3 the last time I
Thor> played with it.
Thor> I threw it in my machine, and it was detected on com2 as a
Thor> 16550a. I looked at com.c a bit, and tried turning on the
Thor> COM_HAYESP option; still no dice.
Thor> What do I need to put in the config file to get this card
Thor> working with the HW flow control and larger FIFO?
While the insides of this card may be fancy, if memory serves,
it looks just like a 16550 to software. It simply manages to never
fill the FIFO due to it's better logic. I thought that the actual ESP
cards were 4 ports and more...
|David Gilbert, PCI, Richmond Hill, Ontario. | Two things can only be |
|Mail: | equal if and only if they |
| | are precisely opposite. |