Subject: Linux compatability
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Markus Kilbinger <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/19/1996 12:08:17
Problem: We (Radiology dep.) want to use Khoros (1 + 2) for image
processing. There exist Linux ports of this software packages, but
Linux versions, which support our hardware (Pentium boards) doesn't
work quite stable on our machines. The only absolutley stable _and_
completely funtioning OS we tried (beside different Linux and FreeBSD
versions) was NetBSD-1.1! (We didn't try any -current version of
Though our NetBSD-1.1 kernel was compiled _with_
Linux-(binary?)-compatability, we were not able to run any Linux
- How to configure a working Linux compatible NetBSD system? Any
further libs, binaries?
- What about X11-Linux binary compatability under Linux?
- Is anybody else in here using the Khoros packages under NetBSD and
can give us any hints?