Subject: My AMD experience
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Matthew B. Wood <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/15/1996 21:11:29
...has been pretty good. I don't run 586, but got a chip that's fairly
close to a P75 (they say) on the cheap. A new AMD 486 120 MHz chip and
off-brand motherboard for about $240 a few months ago. It's probably
cheaper now.
Here's some relative (can't find any absolutes to compare to) benchmark
results on a few tests. My old system was an Intel 486DX33 chip. Both
systems have equal memory and disk setups.
The utility was BYTE UNIX Benchmarks (Version 3.11) and both tests were
run in single-user mode. Both systems had/have the exact same SIMMs
and disk setups. I've enclosed a synopsis of the results to keep things
as brief as possible. There is also the different MB's to consider, one
key thing is that I have twice the cache RAM now (256k). But buying new
cache RAM is cheap, thankfully, so shouldn't be a big concern for the
tightly-budgeted "upgrader."
Intel 486DX33:
Dhrystone 2 without register variables 30835.6 lps (10 secs, 6 samples)
Arithmetic Test (type = arithoh) 62499.8 lps (10 secs, 6 samples)
Arithmetic Test (type = float) 2736.6 lps (10 secs, 6 samples)
System Call Overhead Test 9947.7 lps (10 secs, 6 samples)
File Read (10 seconds) 21311.0 KBps (10 secs, 6 samples)
File Read (30 seconds) 26527.0 KBps (30 secs, 6 samples)
C Compiler Test 21.6 lpm (60 secs, 3 samples)
Dc: sqrt(2) to 99 decimal places 603.3 lpm (60 secs, 6 samples)
Recursion Test--Tower of Hanoi 485.6 lps (10 secs, 6 samples)
AMD 486DX120:
Dhrystone 2 without register variables 111075.8 lps (10 secs, 6 samples)
Arithmetic Test (type = arithoh) 227744.2 lps (10 secs, 6 samples)
Arithmetic Test (type = float) 9952.7 lps (10 secs, 6 samples)
System Call Overhead Test 37412.5 lps (10 secs, 6 samples)
File Read (10 seconds) 70221.0 KBps (10 secs, 6 samples)
File Read (30 seconds) 88161.0 KBps (30 secs, 6 samples)
C Compiler Test 50.9 lpm (60 secs, 3 samples)
Dc: sqrt(2) to 99 decimal places 1599.0 lpm (60 secs, 6 samples)
Recursion Test--Tower of Hanoi 1783.7 lps (10 secs, 6 samples)
Again, these are relative, but it's a nice improvement to go to the faster
CPU. Of course, you can never have too fast a system, so I'm always
considering an upgrade. Going Intel again might not be too bad...I just
read last week in Info World that Intel is cutting prices 25% across
their entire CPU line.
Matthew B. Wood
"Hello, Hello Kitty", said Tuxedo Sam.
A voice answered back, louder than a thousand rock concerts, with words
which seemed to stretch from pole to pole, from the lowest hell to the