Subject: Re: Linux's term driver
To: VaX#n8 <>
From: Phil Knaack <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/05/1996 14:41:54
>I just thought you guys might want to know that I think (whoever did the
>pc console - Mycroft?) and Hellmuth did a good job.. I just got DG/Linux
>recently and catted a binary file (mostly by accident)... apparently printing
>a ^N R put the tty in some funky alt charset state, which stty -sane and clear
>couldn't reset... blech... Anyway, back to the real matters at hand...
You can fix this by echoing the "control-O" character to the screen.
E.g., in tcsh:
% echo ^V^O
Phillip F Knaack
Database Programmer, NCREMP Student Development Group
ISU Extension Project Vincent, Iowa State University