Subject: RE: How to write NetBSD boot blocks to DOS disk?
To: 'port-i386' <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: John Maier <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/28/1996 14:49:00
1) Use either the DOS or NetBSD fdisk to make the NetBSD partition the
primary (active) partition.
2) Turn off the IDE drive in the BIOS
3) Boot off the SCSI drive with NetBSD
4) then do your disklabel
disklabel works on the active partition of a drive.
Once you've done all of this, you can us fdisk under NetBSD and DOS to
set the other bootable.
There is a NetBSD bootloader that I found, a long time ago, that will
allow you to boot into NetBSD from DOS! As a matter of fact, you don't
even need to have a bootblock written to the NetBSD partition, though I
highly recommend having one there in case of trouble. I don't know who
did it, but I love it. If you and others are interested, I can make it
available, with instructions, via FTP.
From: owner-port-i386[SMTP:owner-port-i386@NetBSD.ORG]
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 1996 3:07 AM
To: port-i386
Subject: How to write NetBSD boot blocks to DOS disk?
I have a 540MB EIDE drive with NetBSD and MS-DOS partitions peacefully
coexisting. I have a 100MB DOS/Win95 partition (for maintenance
purposes, like configuring "software configurable" cards and such),
and the rest is a backup root/usr alternate boot system (backup
because it's normally "turned off" in the BIOS, and the machine boots
straight up into my NetBSD SCSI drives).
Like I said, I have the NetBSD and MS-DOS paritions working on the
same disk. But, I can't boot the NetBSD parition off the EIDE drive.
How do I write the NetBSD boot blocks? When I try "disklable -B ..."
it trashes the MS-DOS partition data. I know others have made this
work. How did you do it?
For your entertainment, here is my disklabel proto file:
# /dev/rwd0d:
type: ST506
disk: WDC2540
label: WDC AC2540F
bytes/sector: 512
sectors/track: 63
tracks/cylinder: 16
sectors/cylinder: 1008
cylinders: 1048
total sectors: 1056384
rpm: 4500
interleave: 1
trackskew: 0
cylinderskew: 0
headswitch: 0 # milliseconds
track-to-track seek: 0 # milliseconds
drivedata: 0
7 partitions:
# size offset fstype [fsize bsize cpg]
a: 65520 205632 4.2BSD 1024 8192 16 # / (root)
b: 97776 271152 swap 0 0 # swap
c: 850752 205632 unused 0 0 # (Cyl. 204 -
d: 1056384 0 unused 0 0 # (Cyl. 0 -
e: 687456 368928 4.2BSD 2048 16384 16 # /usr
g: 205569 63 MSDOS # (Cyl. 0*-
Michael L. VanLoon
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