Subject: Re: How to write NetBSD boot blocks to DOS disk?
To: Ken Hornstein <>
From: Michael L. VanLoon -- <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/28/1996 12:04:03
>>When I do a "disklabel -B ...", I can boot NetBSD just fine, but it
>>toasts the DOS parition table. If I boot a DOS floppy and run fdisk
>>after that, it just gives me garbage partition data.
>>My concern is: where does disklable put the boot blocks? And, where
>>should it be putting them? Should I maybe start the whole disk in the
>>disklabel at sector one instead of zero, or at cylinder one, instead
>>of zero? I dunno...
>Hmmmmmmmm ... when you use disklabel -B, do you say "/dev/rsd0c", or
>"/dev/rsd0d"? What _should_ happen is that the boot blocks should get put
>at the beginning of the NetBSD part of the disk. If you use /dev/rsd0d,
>it _might_ put them at the beginning of the whole disk. That would explain
>the problems you're seeing.
Ah! Very insightful point. I was using "disklabel -B ... wd0",
which, I believe, defaults to /dev/rwd0d.
I'll try the explicite /dev/rwd0c. I'll bet that's the answer.
Michael L. VanLoon
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