Subject: Re: spkr
To: None <, port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Max Bell <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/23/1996 11:28:00
>From: Dustin Sallings <>
>Subject: spkr
> Is there any documentation available for the spkr driver? I saw
>it in the config file, but have no idea what to set it to.
I know there is online documentation included with the system (at least
with 1.0), though I'm not sure of the name. I think `man sound` might
work. Basically, it "emulates the IBM BASIC 'PLAY' command" -- you feed
it ASCII notes ("C", "D", "E", etc.) or various obscure commands. I'd
find the exact filename, but my system is still sidelined from an ill-timed
It has been posted that the boot blocks for NetBSD reside at the start of
the space indicated by the beginning of partition D. I need to move the
start of partition _A_ ("/") up by a cylinder or two to avoid recently induced
bad medium errors. The boot blocks currrently work (I can boot to single-
user), so it seems I should be able to just redefine, newfs and reload
partition A without having to rebuild the other partitions. Am I correct?
I am assuming that the boot block code looks up A in the parition table
and then jumps there.