Subject: Re: PAS-16 questions
To: None <>
From: John Kohl <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/14/1996 22:42:31
>>>>> "VaX#n8" == VaX#n8 <> writes:
VaX#n8> I have a software-configuring PAS-16 (I think all of them are), which
VaX#n8> defaults to IRQ 11 (I think) until it is software configured.
VaX#n8> Currently, something else is using that IRQ.
VaX#n8> Is it possible to tell teh PAS-16 what it's IRQ from the kernel config
VaX#n8> file is, given that the I/O port range is correct?
VaX#n8> Is this in, or at least possible, in the autoconfig code?
This would need to be done in the PAS driver's probe or attach code.
>From a quick read of the code, the PAS driver _does_ appear to set the IRQ
to the IRQ specified in the kernel configuration file. Note also that
it uses the PAS in soundblaster-compatible mode, so you need to choose
an IRQ that the soundblaster could use.
So, you should be in luck!