Subject: Re: port-i386/2198: linux_audio.c can't find memset
To: Todd C. Miller <>
From: Scott Reynolds <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/11/1996 00:04:56
rm -f netbsd
ld -z -Ttext F8100000 -e start -X -o netbsd ${SYSTEM_OBJ} vers.o
../../../../compat/linux/linux_audio.c:59: Undefined symbol `_memset'
referenced from text segment
I've just committed a workaround for this, but it's only used by the Linux
audio emulation code (that isn't quite done anyway) so I'm not going to
get too excited about how gross it is. Until someone comes up with
the Correct Solution, if it exists, this will work.
Barring any problems, this will show up in tomorrow's (Monday's) SUP