Subject: Re: Installing sets
To: None <, port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Max Bell <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/08/1996 10:05:00
>From: Noby Nobriga <>
>My problem now is that I can't for the life of me figure out how to 
>install more sets, like the comp11 set.  I boot up and log in but the 
>Set_tmp_dir and Load_fs and such don't work.

Unless things have changed since 1.0, the install sets are basically split-up
compressed tar archives.  You should be able to confirm this by using the
following pipeline to list the files in the set:

	cat setnameprefix.* | tar tvzf -

If this works, and my assumption that all install sets are designed to be
installed from the root directory, the command line:

	umask 0; cat setnameprefix.* | (cd /; tar xpzf -); umask 22

should install the set.

>I've tried booting from my kernel boot disk and then using the install 
>disk, but it doesn't mount my harddrive.

You could manually mount your hard-drive partitions after booting from the
kernel floppy, but that shouldn't be required.

> do I mount other drives (e.g. fd0a from wd0e)?

That depends on what format the floppy is.  Under 1.0, if you have MSDOS
filesystem support in your kernel, you can mount MS-DOS floppies via:

	mount -t msdos /dev/fd0a /mnt

You can also make BSD format filesystems on floppy disks by using the
following command (beware that this will destroy any files present on the
floppy already):

	newfs -m 0 /dev/rfd0a floppy3

(if you're using a 5.25 drive, replace "floppy3" with "floppy5").  Once the
format is done, you can mount it with:

	mount /dev/fd0a /mnt

DO NOT forget to use "umount /mnt" in either case before removing the floppy
from the drive once it has been mounted.

Hopefully, others will be quick to point out anything I have missed, or
differences between 1.0 and 1.1 behavior in these areas.
