Subject: Re: NETBSD vs. Linux 'ls' command
To: Phil Knaack <>
From: proprietor - Foo Bar And Grill <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/05/1996 10:45:54
#define AUTHOR " ("Phil Knaack")"

 * >Ah, but XTerms look so much prettier with color... :)
 * 	Ahh, but then for the i386 port you have to convince the X11 folks
 * to start distributing the color_xterm version of xterm in the xfree86
 * package rather than the xterm that is there now ..

I got the color xterm version, and for some reason, while text-changing
works under R6, the dynamic fg/bg/ptr/csr colors cannot be changed.

Funny, worked under R5 (I *know* I'm missing something here this time!).


#undef AUTHOR	/* " ("Phil Knaack")" */

"This is Betsy; go ahead, Heavens..."