Subject: Re: NETBSD vs. Linux 'ls' command
To: Matthew N. Dodd <>
From: Phil Knaack <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/03/1996 00:32:45
"Matthew N. Dodd" <> writes:
>Exactly.  It would be nice to have the primative color support in the
>FreeBSD (and NetBSD I suppose) in the system by default, but in the
>end, its really something that should be an external package.

and Ken Hornstein <> writes:
>> (To be honest, "ls -F" works for me, and it doesn't hose up my terminal,
>> either :-) ).

>Ah, but XTerms look so much prettier with color... :)

	Ahh, but then for the i386 port you have to convince the X11 folks
to start distributing the color_xterm version of xterm in the xfree86
package rather than the xterm that is there now .. 

	It just seems to scream out to me "Feeping Creaturism!"

	Incidentally, does this color 'ls' change its output according to
pipe versus tty? It seems if you wanted to use the output of 'ls' in a 
script and your temporary variable contained ANSI escape codes for colors,
you'd have some pretty funny looking filenames ..

Phillip "the one who made his 8088 XT telnet box install ANSI.SYS on bootup
	and display a record of the bootup procedure in seven different
	colors, so that it looked pretty" Knaack
Phillip F Knaack     
Database Programmer, NCREMP    Student Development Group
ISU Extension                  Project Vincent, Iowa State University