Subject: video cards to avoid with xfree 86?
To: Brandon Reed (alaric) <>
From: Matthieu Herrb <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/20/1996 09:41:43
You wrote (in your message from Fri 19)
> I'm currently getting ready to buy a new vlb video card to replace my ISA
> card that spends too much time jumpscrolling text in tall xterms.
> (it screams as long as there's only about 5 lines of text showing :) )
> are there any in particular I should avoid?
Have a look at for details.
In short:
1. avoid Matrox boards: they are not supported by XFree86 and probably
never will
2. The Diamond SpeedStar 24 (and possibly recent SpeedStar+) boards
are NOT supported, even though they use the ET4000. The Stealth 32
which uses the ET4000/W32p is also not fully supported. The Weitek
9100 and 9130 chipsets are not supported (these are used on the
Diamond Viper Pro and Viper SE boards). Most other Diamond boards
will work with this release of XFree86. Diamond is now actively
supporting The XFree86 Project, Inc.
3. Trident TGUI9xxx based board (which are often cheap and quite
common) support is not yet ready. It's been actively developped
though. (The current beta XFree86 works with some board)
4. 3.1.2 has some problems with some Mach64 cards. There is progress
on thes aspects in the 3.1.2B beta release too and work in progress
for future releases.
And, if you have some $ to spend, you may consider buying Xinside's
server which does a better job than XFree86 in supporting high end
accelerated boards.