Subject: Re: Pain about disklabel
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: James Faubus <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/11/1996 20:12:10
I may be out of line here, but "disklabel -e sd1" by itself
without the -r or -R protofile worked for me under NetBSD 1.1. It
created a ficticous label w/ the correct geometry, dropped me into vi,
so I could edit the partitions in a civilized manner w/o the need for
creating an entry in disktab. Is this a bug, or a feature of 1.1? It
certainly does not work under FreeBSD 2.1. ( I don't know about prev
versions of NetBSD either).
I was disklabeling a raw PD optical disk not a hard disk, and it was
SCSI not IDE, so someone else try it on an unlabeled hard drive and see
if it also works for you.