Subject: Device timeout with ed driver?
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael Graff <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/10/1996 06:04:07
I have seen one machine (darkwatch, a i386/40 *underclocked* at 33, but
soon to go back to the normal overclocked 50 :) have device timeouts on
ed0, the only ethernet interface on that machine. This has happened
three times that I can remember.
I paid it no mind (it has a wd8013 or something in it -- a smc
16-bit ethernet card) until my other machin (packrat) seems to have
the same problem.
Jan 10 04:25:43 packrat /netbsd: ed0: device timeout
packrat has a different card -- an NE2000 compatible -- so the only common
element other than the arch and the isa bus is the driver and its interaction
with gcc 2.7.2 (not 7.2.7 ;)
Has anyone else noticed this? I compiled both kernels with -O, not -O6,
so that shouldn't be the famous -fstrength-reduce bug, right?