Subject: Re: AHA 2842/2742 support and pr #1594
To: None <Chris_G_Demetriou@NIAGARA.NECTAR.CS.CMU.EDU>
From: Michael Graff <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/07/1996 19:47:21
>You're thinking about doing it the wrong way.

I'm certain of that.  I'm new to this stuff still.  ;)

>what you'd do, is define an attribute (say, aic7xxx), then have
>aic7xxx.c included when the attribute is needed, then have the bus
>drivers require that attribute.

Can you give me an example of this?  Should these attributes be in a
common file rather than in files.pci or files.isa, since the aic7xxx
is quite clearly in the wrong place right now (files.pci)

I would think the files.ic would be something like this:

define aic7xxx {}
file   dev/ic/aic7xxx.c			aic7xxx

and files.isa would contain something like:
device  ahe at isa: scsi, aic7xxx
file	dev/isa/aha284x.c		ahe

Also, what's the needs-flag thing do?  Or better yet, is this
documented?  :)

>The problem with it is that it means that the 'files' file that
>defines the 'ahc' device needs to know the definitions for all busses
>that the 'ahc' can attach to.

Ahh.  Ick.  I see the problem clearly now.  It's either have one name
per bus or have a huge headache in other ways.


Michael Graff <>        NetBSD is the way to go!
PGP key on a key-server near you!         Netshade the world!