Subject: Re: Question about aic0 irq on kcadp11 floppy
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Christoph Badura <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/01/1996 18:06:00
Dave Huang wrote:
>According to NetBSD/i386's INSTALL file, AIC-6360 based SCSI cards
>have to be at IRQ 11 in order to be recognized. However, the
>GENERICADP and INSTADP kernel config files say irq 12. I assume the
>documentation is incorrect, and the card really needs to be at irq 12?

The documentation doesn't match the kernel configuration.  However,
the default irq is 11 and there are a number of cards where you can't
change the irq.  Like on my notebook, where it doesn't make sense to
change the irq.

The configuration files should be changed.
Christoph Badura

You don't need to quote my .signature.  Everyone has seen it by now.
Besides, it doesn't add anything to the current thread.