Subject: Re: DMA beyond end of isa
To: Randy Terbush <>
From: Jordan K. Hubbard <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/01/1996 09:49:50
> Seems like the next step is for them to begin working on getting
> changes moved in the easiest direction, and to accept help from
> others interested in helping.
Well, I'm always interested in seeing what we can accomplish here,
assuming that everyone involved is realistic about it. By "realistic"
I mean deciding not only what sorts of work can be done cooperatively,
but what sorts of work can be *sustained* in a cooperative model.
It's all well and good to say (not you in particular Ken, but in general):
"You guys should pool effort and merge your userland stuff."
But not if the follow-on question of "and who volunteers to do the
work?" falls on deaf ears.
In other words, let's see what we can do about identifying those areas
of the system where people are highly motivated to share effort and
can be tracked without such efforts adding up to so much work that
more manpower is lost than saved. Maybe it's time for a small working
group to open a dialog on a new mailing list populated by people
expressly interested in this subject?