Subject: Re: SCSI troubles with ASUS P/I-P55TP4XE and PCI-SC200...
To: None <>
From: Ted Lemon <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/21/1995 10:01:36
> The newest driver, though, works just fine with all the Quantum drives
> I use. I think that Ted was accidently using a slightly old version of
> the driver.
Do you mean the newest -current driver, or the 1.1 driver? I'm
running the latter. I have now rebuilt a kernel from the 1.1 source
tree, although since I no longer have the Lightning installed, it's
hard to test whether this has fixed anything...
Sigh. I also had to slow my clock down to 120MHz because my
supposedly 60ns RAM doesn't appear able to keep up with it. Gr.
Things get very unreliable if I turn off the L2 cache, and get very
stable if I lower the bus speed. I hate it when that happens.