Subject: Re: Finding a decent EIDE controller
To: Brian Moore <>
From: Perry E. Metzger <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/18/1995 10:49:18
Brian Moore writes:
> Could anybody suggest a decent EIDE, preferably VLB, controller that
> works with our boot blocks?

The boot blocks currently used for the i386 port use the BIOS for all
their I/O, so even controllers we don't support will successfully
begin boot -- so long as your BIOS can handle your controller the boot
blocks are fine. Whether the *kernels* will handle things properly,
and whether you've properly installed the boot code, is another matter.

So far as I know, we support all IDE controllers, but I'm not
entirely familiar with the extent to which we handle EIDE or the
implications of the ways we might not handle it. My knowledge of such
matters is spotty.
