Subject: raw device problem
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG, tech-install@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Francois Toutain <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/24/1995 15:52:22
Please let me know if I am posting in the wrong mailing-lists.
I have a NetBSD-current kernel running on a PC, with non-SCSI disk
controller and disks (wdc, wd0, wd1). It works fine, and I am now
willing to put NetBSD on another PC, which has SCSI disks.
So I have modified the kernel config file to include scsibus and
sd* disks. I have built a new kernel (indeed many were attempted...)
using the first PC, then I have loaded it on the second PC.
My problem is the latter refuses to boot correctly, and always flames
me with :
Can't open /dev/rsd0a : Device not configured
followed by fsck errors in capital letters...
Could anybody help me ? I really don't know much about raw devices
configuration. Is it a kernel problem or what ?
Please feel free to email me if you have some hints. Thanks in advance,
Francois TOUTAIN
ENST de Bretagne