Subject: NMI / hanging
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/23/1995 12:18:46
I have had my computer hang 4 times between 3:30pm last night and
8am this morning. I was giving it more of a workout than I had
in a while, so I don't believe it's related to what I'd just sup'd,
more likely to be sick hardware. (I was trying to compile /usr/src/lib
each time it hung.) The first three times I was running X in the
only vt I was logged into, so I ended up just hitting reset since
there wasn't anything else possible. The fourth time I'd given up
running X, and was logged in as root in a couple vts.
In my first root vt it gave me:
NMI ... going to debugger
kernel: type 265 trap, code 0
stopped at 0x1006e029: repe movsl (%esi),%es:(%edi)
and I should probably just take debugging out of my kernel,
since the only useful thing I know to do with it is press c
and see what happens next.
I had gotten a NMI once before that I have record of:
Nov 20 19:04:11 solstice /netbsd: NMI port 61 a0, port 70 ff
I know it's a non-maskable interrupt, but I don't know what's
causing it. I'm hoping someone here has an idea, and can tell
me what, of my hardware, is broken.
Pertinent info:
NetBSD 1.1 (SOLSTICE) #0: Wed Nov 22 03:57:29 CST 1995
with my latest sup being at Nov 21 22:51 Central USA time.
The previous kernel was compiled sometime before September 27th,
and was what I'd gotten the first NMI under.
486DX33, Micronics board (from Gateway, I believe, though I bought it used)
Phoenix BIOS
generic I/O card, with 3.5", 5.25" floppies, 850MB Seagate and 340MB Conner
hard drives.
ATI Graphics Ultra Plus w/ 2MB memory
SMC Elite 16 (AUI/BNC)
PAS16 audio board
XFree86 3.1.2
If any other information would be useful, please ask.
Tracy J. Di Marco
Systems Analyst 294-2524
Systems Support Group 107 Atanasoff
Department of Computer Science Iowa State University