Subject: Re: dd comand for building install floppies
To: Kim Andersen <>
From: Open Carefully -- Contents Under Pressure <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/14/1995 09:45:51
Um, I think 9k is the standard cyl size for a 3.5" (88.9 mm) diskette.
You can get away with using 9b as well.
#define AUTHOR " (Kim Andersen)"
* >
* > Any one know off the top of their head the dd comand I would use to generate
* > the install disks from the .fs files.
* >
* > I tryed "gzcat inst-10A.fs.gz | dd of=/dev/fd/0 bs=20" with no luck.
* >
* > I know it used to mentioned in the README/INSTALL files but I can't find it.
* > If it really matters I am trying to make the floppies from a SUN for the i386
* > install.
* dd if=inst-10A.fs.gz of=/dev/fd0a bs=8k
* regards
* kim
#undef AUTHOR /* " (Kim Andersen)" */
Assumption #1: Assuming that "God" exists, he/she/it is fallable.