Subject: Re: SCSI woes (was Re: 2nd SCSI adapter, what to get? )
To: None <>
From: Mike Long <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/12/1995 17:53:02
>Date: Sun, 12 Nov 1995 19:52:36 +1100
>From: "Simon J. Gerraty" <>
>The machine ran happily like that _all_ day, sitting in the middle of
>the room, DAT drive on the floor etc etc. Ok so I didn't even put the
>lid back on the CPU (it always stops working when you do that...), I
>just halted, powered down and moved the CPU back under the desk and
>put the DAT drive on top - no cables re-arranged or anything.
>Booted and - no scsi devices at all! Powered off, wiggled a few
>cables, booted and nothing. Repeated the swearing, wiggling etc and
>booted - all devices probed ok!
Are you sure it's not overheating? The fact that it fails
consistently when you put the lid on seems to point to that, and so
does the fact that it failed when you moved it under your desk (less
airflow than the middle of the floor). Try cleaning out whatever dust
and other crud has built up in your system's fan(s); if that doesn't
help matters, try using a bigger fan or adding another one.
Mike Long <>
VLSI Design Engineer finger for PGP public key
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