Subject: Re: PAS/16 driver
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Tom Pavel <PAVEL@SLAC.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/04/1995 20:39:06
>>>>> On Thu, 2 Nov 1995, "Brandon Reed (alaric)" <> writes:
> On Wed, 1 Nov 1995, Alec H. Peterson wrote:
> > I've got the -current release of a few weeks ago, and I was trying to
> > get my PAS 16 to work with it, but it simply will not function. All I
> > am getting out of the audio is garbage. Anybody have suggestions?
> Mine works but the audio controls are either broken or not implemented,
> ie: I can't alter any of the mixer settings.
I'd been looking into this, and I've formed a theory. Could someone
who's familiar with the PAS driver comment on whether I'm correct or
The PAS driver works via the SB emulation component of the PAS board.
Presumably, there already was a SB driver in NetBSD, and this strategy
was much easier than writing a PAS driver from scratch... The trouble
is that although the PAS16, for example, supports 16-bit stereo
playback and has a 6-channel mixer, it only emulates a SB 2.x board
(which is mono and has no volume control, I think). I believe the
original SB boards had a volume knob on the back and therefore never
provided a s/w interface for setting the volume.
If I'm right about this, it seems the only way to fix things would be
to abandon (or partially abandon) the SB emulation strategy and to
write a PAS driver from scratch. Unfortunately, this amount of work
is well out of my league...
Can anyone comment on whether I'm right about this?
Tom Pavel
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center