Subject: kernel faults... (hardware?)
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Andrew Gillham <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/26/1995 00:57:26
Hi all,

I'm getting consistent kernel faults on my AMD DX4/100 box.
While I'm running through the various hardware swap scenarios, I 
thought somebody might be able to decipher a trace.
My hardware:
	ASUS SP3g w/ AMD DX4/100
	2x16MB IBM SIMMS (70ns)
	NCR PCI SCSI (onboard)
	Micropolis 2217
	BocaLanCard PCI ethernet (same with 3c509b)

This hardware used to be fine with NetBSD... but that was with a
DX2/66 cpu, I've mostly used DOS/Win95 on the ASUS since the cpu
upgrade.  Anyway, could the cpu be related?

Well, here's my trace, if anyone sees something obvious, I want
to hear about it! :)

============================ Real 32bit multi-tasking UN*X System
Andrew Gillham             | TCP/IP,NFS,PPP,4.4BSD-lite,multi-user        | i386,sparc,alpha,mac68k,amiga,others
LAN/WAN/NW/UN*X specialist |   ---> <---

vm_fault(f87f8600, 0, 1, 0) -> 1
kernel: page fault trap, code=0
Stopped at      0x2:vm_fault(f87f8600, 0, 1, 0) -> 1
    kernel: page fault trap, code=0
Stopped at      _db_read_bytes+0x10:    movb    0(%edx),%bl
db> trace
_db_read_bytes(2,1,fa0fdcc4,2,0) at _db_read_bytes+0x10
_db_get_value(2,1,0,2,2) at _db_get_value+0x17
_db_disasm(2,0,f8102e26,2,2) at _db_disasm+0x16
_db_print_loc_and_inst(2,e0000e62,fa0fde2c,0,fa0fdd80) at _db_print_loc_and_inst+0x21
_db_trap(6,0,1,6,f87f7600) at _db_trap+0xa8
_kdb_trap(6,0,fa0fdddc) at _kdb_trap+0x95
_trap() at _trap+0x190
--- trap (number 6) ---
Bad frame pointer: 0xf87f3000
db> show registers
es		0x10
ds		0x10
edi		0x2
esi		0x2
ebp		0xfa0fdcac  _end+0x1f2c6e8
ebx		0x1
edx		0x2
ecx		0xfa0fdcc4  _end+0x1f2c700
eax		0
eip		0xf8182e04  _db_read_bytes+0x10
cs		0xf81d0008  _kmemstats+0x128
eflags		0x10246
esp		0xfa0fdca8  _end+0x1f2c6e4
ss		0x10
_db_read_bytes+0x10:        movb 0(%edx),%dl