Subject: Re: Before and after the 1.1 release
To: None <>
From: John Kohl <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/09/1995 16:21:00
>>>>> "CH" == Charles Hannum <> writes:
CH> I looked at the code again over the weekend, and most of my complaints
CH> about it seem to have been addressed. The remaining problems are:
CH> 1) Its configuration model is somewhat wrong. It should be more like
CH> the current SCSI code, where you have something like:
CH> 2) It doesn't notice when a device is removed or added; you have to
CH> tell it manually.
CH> Probably neither of these are sufficient to prevent committing the
CH> code, but they should be fixed at some point.
When I buy a laptop (soon), I'll be glad to take a stab at these if
nobody else beats me to it. :)