Subject: Re: TinyBSD
To: None <>
From: Cisco Lopez-Fresquet <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/25/1995 16:08:04
>>>>> "ESH" == Eric S Hvozda <> writes:
ESH> On Mon, 25 Sep 95 10:09:07 CDT Cisco Lopez-Fresquet wrote:
>> I take it there is a NetBSD command/program called 'disklabel'? Where do I
>> find it?
ESH> It should be in your path. Otherwise it lives in /sbin ...
Hmn. I seem to be caught in a catch-22 here. I need to set a disklabel
BEFORE I can load NetBSD, yet I need to have NetBSD loaded in order to set a
I can get the kernel up and running off a floppy. Is there a way to run
disklabel from just a kernel?
(sorry if what I am asking is not perfectly clear, I have no experience
with setting up Unix systems...)
Thanks for your help,
- cisco