Subject: PC partition types
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Martin Husemann <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/22/1995 07:39:45
Not realy a NetBSD-specific question, but I need this for an improved
installation process for NetBSD: could anybody point me to (or send
via private email) a list of partition type codes used in the master
boot record?

I know three:
 1 - 6     DOS
 100,101   Novell NetWare
 165       NetBSD
but there obviously are a lot more out there.

Thank you,


"Die freie Routine setzt einen Zeiger auf den freigegebenen Storage,
verlangt aber nicht, dass die Groesse der Speicherteile freigesetzt
wird."	-- german translation of "The Design and Implementation of the
	   4.3BSD Unix Operating System", p.64; probably talking about free(3)