Subject: Re: NetBSD / PCMCIA (again)
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/22/1995 20:42:32
In article <> (Mathias Engan) writes:
>Hello again, everyone!
>When I do "ifconfig ep0 blahblahblah" the 3c589b adapter
>dies. The led goes out. Somewhere something goes wrong.
>I can do "pcmcia_cntrl 0 unmap" and "pcmcia_cntrl 0 probe"
>to get the card active again, but then the status report
>from ifconfig reports the the driver as down (ie not "UP").
>Of course, I then tried "ifconfig ep0 up", but, of course --
>the card dies again. The led goes out.
ifconfig ep0 blahblahblah link0 link1