Subject: Re: NetBSD on a multi-OS system
To: Cisco Lopez-Fresquet <>
From: Brian Moore <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/21/1995 06:04:53
What you really want to use in this case is a program called OS-BS. The latest
beta version ( latest meaning sometime around 1993, I think. Has anybody seen
an earlier version than 2.0b8? ) will allow you to boot off of different drives
along with different partitions. It works great for me. You can find it at
Good luck,
> I am installing NetBSD on a system with several other operating systems
> (several flavors of Windows, plus MS-DOS). I have installed a second hard
> drive to hold NetBSD, and have progressed through partitioning & kernel
> installation, to the point where I am told to "reboot and install the rest
> of the distribution sets."
> My problem: I need to install a boot loader of some sort so that I can
> choose to have NetBSD boot rahter than Windows NT, and the NetBSD
> documentation is woefully inadequate on this point. We were using the
> Windows NT boot manager initially, but this doesn't seem to want to
> recognize NetBSD. I have heard that there are programs like BOOTLOADER and
> BTEASY tht would do the job. I have also considered using the LILO program
> from LINUX.
> I am stuck on how to get a boot manager installed that will recognize
> NetBSD, as well as all the currently loaded operating systems.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> - Cisco Lopez-Fresquet
> Systems and Software Technology Group
> HTC Honeywell