Subject: Re: NetBSD 1.0 and/or -current and Windows '95 VFATs
To: None <>
From: Martin Husemann <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/20/1995 07:33:26
> know whether these changes will affect NetBSD'd ability to properly read/write
> an MSDOS partition?
I have Windows 95 installed on one of my NetBSD boxes since early beta
times and am able to read and write its partitions without any problems.
Its a pitty you don't see the long filenames from NetBSD yet, but the
format is not fully documented. Actually only the algorithm for one
checksum is unknown...
I have a (not quite finished) fsck for dos partitions that understands
(and can list) the long filenames.
"Die freie Routine setzt einen Zeiger auf den freigegebenen Storage,
verlangt aber nicht, dass die Groesse der Speicherteile freigesetzt
wird." -- german translation of "The Design and Implementation of the
4.3BSD Unix Operating System", p.64; probably talking about free(3)