Subject: ATAPI-CD-Rom Driver needed
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Martin 'L.L.Smurf' Ksellmann <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/11/1995 03:10:40
a friend of mine running -current, installed by me, shortly bought a
ATAPI CDRom Drive an i was trying to compile a kernel supporting this
CDRom. But I didn't succeed, because there seams to be no support for
such drives by now. So my questions is:
Has anybody any Information, how I could get this ATAPI-CDRom to work
together with -current, or did anybody write code for that, he would
share with me ?
! Es gibt nichts maechtigeres, als eine Idee, deren Zeit gekommen ist. !
! (Victor Hugo) !
! Martin Ksellmann, Orleansplatz 2/I, 81667 Muenchen Tel.: +49-89-688-7776 !
! E-Mail : !