Subject: Re: Mouse/X weirdness?
To: None <>
From: Andrew Gillham <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/03/1995 13:13:29
> I once bought some cheap (but very good) OEM Logitech mouses with 3
> buttons (M/N: M-MD15L-9F) and they too run for years only with the
> Protocol Microsoft setting. When a new Xfree release came out, i always
> tried Protocol Logitech but with no success.

Hmm, glad to hear someone else has used a Logitech...
The thing that is weird is that even with the Microsoft mouse which
works fine, specifying 'Protocol "Logitech"' causes X to hang with
the 'inappropriate IOCTL' problem.  To me this implies something
with the actual tty device.

So, does anyone else have an AST 4port they can hook a mouse to?
Just change the protocol section to "Logitech" and let me know if
it works.

> Never touch a running mouse ... ;-)

Good advice! :)

============================ Real 32bit multi-tasking UN*X System
Andrew Gillham             | TCP/IP,NFS,PPP,4.4BSD-lite,multi-user        | i386,sparc,alpha,mac68k,amiga,others
LAN/WAN/NW/UN*X specialist |   ---> <---
        'Free the daemon in your computer, NetBSD'