Subject: Re: INN and Swap Space filling up
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: James Burton <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/06/1995 00:38:27
> What kind of machines are you guys running INN on? I'm in the proces=
s of
> putting together a 64mb, P90 system for news. I may need some help
> configuring INN for NetBSD. Did you have any hurdles? Thanks.
I don't know how much this is due to me not reading or mis-reading the
installation documentation (I swear I went through it 100 times) but
I had problems compiling it, problems configuring it, problems understa=
it. There is a lot of assumed knowledge in there. I think most of my tr=
was because I wanted it set up a slightly different way, so I changed s=
ome of
defaults. i.e. one large problem (small problem - large effort to find =
was that I made a directory called "rnews" where the rnews binary was
supposed to go, so it went in the subdirectory, and therefore nothing i=
rnews worked properly. When you compile and install a system and repeat=
get an error message something like "... is a directory" you feel like =
it away. So what if it is a directory :=3D)
Anyway it works fine now, and I better understand how it works so I'm h=
James Burton |=20
EMail: | Kingsbury
WWW : | Melbourne, Australia