Subject: Re: Rebooting trouble?
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG,>
From: Gary Henderson <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/30/1995 08:42:19
>Matthew B. Wood said:
>> Anyone have trouble with the rebooting call on NetBSD1.0? I have a 486 DX
>> and after a fastboot or halt, the screen will echo "rebooting..." but no
>> reboot.
>Same for me with NetBSD 1.0A on a P90.
My Notebook i486 computer would only reset successfully only once
every few reboot attempts - I think the problem is that the bios doesn't
like the state the mmu is when NetBSD exits.
Anyway, I fixed the problem on my machine by patching the cpu_reset()
function in /usr/src/sys/arch/i386/i386/machdep.c. The function tries 3
different ways to reset the machine but the first - toggle the keyboard
hardware reset line - usually caused my machine to hang so I just commented
it out. The second method - cause a watchdog timer reset - resets my
machine successfully all the time.
Hope this helps,