Subject: Re: pcvt beta 24 and -current
To: None <>
From: Hellmuth Michaelis <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/23/1995 09:16:31
>From the keyboard of Rob Windsor:
> I'm sitting around with a rather dated -current kernel, and was wondering if
> someone had a diff set to apply to pcvt beta 24 to get it to work with
> -current.
I admit, i'm guilty. Since 2 two days i'm working again on pcvt to integrate
all the fixes i've got to eventually make a release from it. Just give me
3 days or four ...
Sorry for the inconvenience,
Hellmuth Michaelis GFKT HCS Computertechnik GmbH Hamburg, Europe
Unplug cables at least semi-annually to allow unused bits to drain. (HP RAQ)