Subject: bt driver doesn't work with 956C?
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Thor Lancelot Simon <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/21/1995 15:17:03
I just bought a bunch of BusLogic 956C (the wide version of the 946C) SCSI
controllers. Under heavy load, something seems to go screwy and there are a
succession of bt: can't send command errors, followed by a bt: cmd/data buffer
full and a vm_fault kernel panic.
The problem is not readily reproducible -- on one motherboard we have, we've
never seen it all; in another system, it happens once the machine's been
running for about an hour; in still another, it happens regularly about every
ten hours.
Does anyone have a 956C running reliably? On a Triton-chipset motherboard?
The one motherboard we have with which the controller doesn't *seem* to have
problems is an el-cheapo Neptune-chipset job.