Subject: Re: com driver problems
To: Mike Long <>
From: Stefan Grefen <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/09/1995 11:25:17
In message <9506071350.AA09758@cthulhu> Mike Long wrote:
> Something in the last com driver fix disagrees with my modem (DSI
> Connection 96+). Any process that tries to use it hangs; ps(1)
> reports that it is blocked in 'tty in' or 'tty out'.
There is bug in some chipsests where TX interrupts can get lost.
Check my chnages in com.c (for 1.0) in my pcmcia-stuff.
Basicly before going to sleep on tty out check if the chip is
realy busy sending some stuff, and also after you handled all interrupts
and the driver is expecting a TX interrupt if the chip is still
busy sending.
If the chip it is not busy 'fake' a TX-interupt.
This problem only happend with non FIFO chips, looks like
enabling the send-FIFO's triggers it for FIFO chips too.
> I would appreciate it if someone would send me either the complete
> version 1.56 of com.c, or a diff between 1.56 and 1.58.
> I'm dependent on PPP for 'Net access, so this problem is a showstopper
> for me.
> --
> Mike Long <>
> VLSI Design Engineer finger for PGP public key
> Analog Devices, CPD Division CCBF225E7D3F7ECB2C8F7ABB15D9BE7B
> Norwood, MA 02062 USA assert(*this!=opinionof(Analog));
Stefan Grefen Convex Computer GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany Phone: +49-69-665270
fortune: "You can't make a program without broken egos."