Subject: linelength >1024 in /etc/group urgent
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: juergen baier <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/30/1995 16:15:25
Hi there I'm using NetBSD 1.0 on 486/66.
I cannot enter new users in a group since the linelength got
longer than 1024 bytes. The result is that the
programs like chgrp consider the group as invalid.
Where can I increase the linelength or can I get around this error?
I have the full /usr/src for 1.0. If I can increase it somewhere please
tell the exact filename.
I've read already the FAQ and 4.4 books from O'Reilly but
don't find anything concerning my problem.
Please answer fast since I have already 20 people waiting to be able
to use this system.
Juergen Baier