Subject: Re: Motif available?
To: Dave Cornejo <>
From: Michael Graff <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/12/1995 15:17:00
Does anyone know how much it costs to get a source release from OSF
and how much it would take to port Motif to it?
Well, I know motif would take me less than a day to make work on
NetBSD. But I wonder how much it would cost to be able to sell such a
>Their primary product is a Linux port, FreeBSD and NetBSD seem to be
>sidelines as every time I have been given an excuse for why the
>promised fix had not been delivered I was told that the Linux port had
>intervened. I have no confidence that they have suddenly had a change
>of heart.
Michael Graff <> NetBSD is the way to go!
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