Subject: Re: Recent kernels failing to boot on my Micronics MPower 4 motherboard
To: Duncan McEwan <>
From: Rob Windsor <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/07/1995 04:39:10
Verily did Duncan McEwan write:

> I supped new kernel sources again last night, and tried again with similar
> results.  This time, when the kernel wedges, the pc's speaker emits 3 or 4 5
> second high pitched sounds, but as before, the machines appears locked up.

Unless there's something in the kernel that talks to the speaker when it gets
grumpy at boot, that might be the hardware talking to you.

You can get the list of what the grumpy-beeping-hardware (a.k.a. POST beeps)
codes are in the USENET archives:*FAQ*
(*Part_4_5 has the one about POST)

But, this is only if it's the hardware yapping at you, and not the kernel.

-- Rob
Internet:      Life: Rob@Manhattan.Kansas.USA.Earth

"Life's a journey, not a destination."  -- Aerosmith (1993), 'Amazing'