Subject: Re: how reliable is ibcs2 and linux compatibility?
To: David Langford <>
From: Scott Bartram <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/01/1995 09:02:59
In message <>David Langford writes
>>On Sat, 29 Apr 1995 01:58:17 -0500
>> Rob Windsor <> wrote:
>> > > Well, I can run Doom under Linux emulation, and I can run the WordPerfec
>> > > 6.0 demo (on local display only) under ibcs2 emulation. I've been
>> > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>> > Did you try setting your DISPLAY variable to the numeric (non-DNS'd) addre
>>Actually, this is becuase, the last time I checked, running X apps on a
>>non-local display requires additional glue that we don't have yet.
>>Jason R. Thorpe
>Thisd is interesting. I had the exact opposite experience: the WP install
>would not run on local display unless I had DISPLAY set to localhost.
>It did work connecting to a Sun display also. WOnder if some of that
>glue got entered into the recent changes.
>Of course methionks the same glue broke emulation as the instlal fialed with a
>Illegal Instruction error.
>(No, I dont have a useful report- working on that.)
The illegal instruction error may be caused by not following Charles'
instructions regarding stack size, etc. Also, be aware that you will *not*
be able to run SCO X programs if you use the kernel floating point
The story behind the X display connections is this - SCO uses STREAM pipes
for local X connections (ie. DISPLAY=:0.0). We don't have any hacks in
there to support this (yet). Setting DISPLAY to localhost:0 or $(hostname):0
should work fine since that will force the use of sockets.
Scott Bartram Orion Software Inc. 4404 Cavalcade Ct.
301-930-3113 Burtonsville, MD 20866